English Test

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When applying overseas education, students may need to complete a language proficiency test as a part of admission requirements. While different overseas institutions may require different minimum English score, there are two most common acceptable type of English language test for worldwide are IELTS (International English Language Test System) and TOEFL (Test of English as Foreign Language) tests.

IELTS test are commonly acceptable for institutions in UK, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia and even US, although IELTS uses British English and more likely to be favored by UK and institutions in Commonwealth nations.

The TOEFL test seeks to test your ability to communicate in English in specifically academic, university and classroom-based settings. It is accepted by over 8,500 institutions across 130 countries, including the UK, USA and Australia, as well as all of the world’s top 100 universities. TOEFL is administered by US-based organization the Education Testing Services, and so is conducted in American English. This test is more likely to be favored by American Institutions.

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